Terry Testimonial

Terry Testimonial

I have been in the auto parts business for about 25 years. My store is located in a  metropolitan area in Canada. I started looking into MIB in November of 1994 and made a decision to buy in March of 1995. Being a Canadian it was a difficult decision since most associates thought it was a bad idea dealing with lying, thieving Yankees. The three main reasons that I bought were price, the people seemed knowledgeable and the availability of electronic cataloging. I have been very, very happy with MIB. They have helped me grow my business. Before we had electronic cataloging I tried time and again to teach my driver how to look up parts in the paper catalogs to know avail. That first day that we had electronic cataloging the driver walked in from a delivery and a phone was ringing. Everybody else was busy so the driver answered the phone, brought up cataloging and sold a part to the customer. In the mean time there has been an important changes in cataloging. AUTOITOOLBOX has a free electronic catalog available on the internet. Couple that with some manufacturer’s internet cataloging and we have electronic cataloging coverage at no cost. It has been working well for us.


See Bashaw Testimonial

(Call 954-474-6619 ET), (618-398-6675 CT) or (505-293-8640 MT)