Invoice Pricing Options by Account

Inventory items have 5 selling prices. We name the prices PRICE 1, PRICE2,... PRICE5.  These prices are independent of one another. PRICE1 is usually list price and PRICE5 is your cost. When you add a customer to your system, you give them a price level and a percentage. For example, a customer might buy at 50% of PRICE1, 100% of PRICE2 or 140% of PRICE5. This would be the customer's default price. When you load a new acustomer , you set their default pricing.

Some accounts might get product line special pricing. For instance, Joe's Lightning Fast Oil Change might buy 20 or 30 oil filters in a day. Joe might rate a significant discount on the AC oil filters that he buys. Instead of paying his default pricing of 100% of price level 2, he might get a 15% discount and pay 85% of price level 2.  Once Joe is set up in the system, the system  automatically gives Joe that discount on only AC oil filters. An account can have as many product line special prices as you want.

Account part number special pricing is used for accounts that want to fix their costs for some items over a fxed time period. No matter what happens to the wholesale price of those items, the buyer knows their price is fixed. Once the system is set up to charge the fixed price for the items, the pricing is automatic. An account can have as many part number special prices as you want.

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