Miscellaneous Reports


A descriptor list is a list of all generic descriptions in your system. When an item is sold that does not have a detailed description, the generic description prints on the invoice.

A product line list shows the names of the product lines along with the associated product line number. You would use this list to assign product lines to vendors for ordering stock. The list also shows the markups at various price levels for items in that product line.

This report lists the workstations on your system and where the invoices or paper tape receipts print when somebody runs a sale on a workstation. By default charge sales are automatically routed to an invoice printer while cash sales are routed to a receipt printer.

The report also shows allowable clerk numbers by the workstation.

If you have multiple stores on your system, the report will show which workstations are at each location.

After many years of using your system, nobody can remember how your system was set up. When some device on your system fails or is struck by lightning this information can save hours of chasing down what cable goes where.

Finally, this report also makes it simpler to add workstations and printers.

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