Data Available for Setting Stocking Levels

Three years sales history by quarter. The first quarter is Jan., Feb. and Mar. The second quarter is Apr., May and Jun and so on. At any given time the system will display the sales of the item over the last three years broken down by quarter.

Lost Sales are automatically recorded each time that you check stock on a part number and the Number On Hand is zero.

Classification characters. Many price update files carry classification characters that can be useful for making a decision about what items to stock. Those characters can be automatically stored with in item's data.

Average number sold per purchase is used to make it easier for your to set stocking levels. For instance, spark plugs may normally be sold 4, 6 or 8 at a time. The system automatically computes this number.

It doesn't matter if the weight is in pounds or kilograms. It is carried in 1/100th of whatever unit of measure that you choose. It may be important to know the weight in order to get freight free delivery for stock orders above a certain weight. The total order weight is displayed on the screen when you are editing a stock order. It also appears on the printed copy of the order.

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