Part Numbers Associated with Item

Part number that supersedes an item is often available on price files and can be loaded electronically. You can automatically switch from the old part number to the new one once you have sold out of the old one.

A part number that always substitutes for an item is mostly used for bar code part numbers. When you check stock or sell a bar code number, the system automatically substitutes the stocking part number data for the bar code part number.

Related items. When you sell this item, you will likely need another item. The system prompts you to ask the account if they want the related item.

Alternate items. When you are out of an item, you can sell this other item that will also work.

Alternate part numbers for ordering. You might buy the "same" item from more than one supplier. The suppliers may use different part numbers and prices for the item.

Automatic sale without price. When somebody buys an item, they always get a related item. The pricing is used from the related item. This might be needed for labor items. If you do one task, you may be legally required to do other tasks.

Automatic sale with price. This is used for items that are often sold as a group with special pricing for the follow-on items. For instance, buy a flashlight and get the batteries at half price.

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